Friday, July 19, 2013

How to Reduce the Size of your Image with lossless quality

Question: I want to send some pictures by e-mail. But how do I reduce the size of photos for Sending in emails or other online use?
Answer: Before reducing the image to your intended size, you can first crop your image to remove any unnecessary portions of the picture. After cropping, you can use the image resizer ArcSoft PhotoStudio, to make photos smaller.
The guide will use image or photo to refer to photo, image, picture, and graphic file.
The image size is often too large to upload online or share on mobiles, iPad, iPhone and other players, or send in emails. Because people shoot pictures in higher resolution than ever before, they always get larger images with high quality. Large images prevent you from emailing or adding online. Reducing image sizes becomes an urgent job to deal with. Most software of photo editing software can handle this. However, when you pick up reducing photo sizes with ArcSoft PhotoStudio, or ArcSoft PhotoStudio for Mac, you will find the quality is kept well.
ArcSoft PhotoStudio is an excellent photo editing software for both casuals and pros. To make photo smaller with it is quite easy. For Mac users with Mac version, reducing image on Mac is as easy as on Windows.

Step One: Import the intended images to PhotoStudio
Drag and drop your images to the program interface. You can also open from file menu or photo browser. Find "Image Size" from edit menu. Here is an example of an image by 4752*3168. And the intended file size is 1280 pixels Width or 640 pixels Width.

Step Two: Reduce image size

Click "Image Size" from "Edit" menu. And it prompts a window for changing image size and PPI(Pixels per inch). Type your intended size and press OK button. PhotoStudio will always constrain proportions or keep aspect ratio. It prevents your image from being stretched and distorted. So just set the Width value, the other value will adjust automatically.
Change the Width to 1280 pixels, and the Height turns up to 853 pixels automatically. So the original image of 4.42MB is reduced to 1.82MB;If you set the Width to 640 pixels, the image is reduced to only 85.7KB. And the results remain good quality.


Step Three: Save the resized image

Save the resized image and never overwrite your original, high resolution file. Remember to save using a different name so you retain the original image. You had better save it as JPEG or JPG for best compatibility for online sharing.
Usually, when emailing you can save it to 640*480 or less. For display or for print, you need to figure out the size the image will be print at. After resizing photos, you are able to send images fast. Your friends and family will be able to view them and download them quick. So perhaps the best thing is to upload these original images to your web site and allow family and friends to download directly from there.

Post via ArcSoft

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to beautify your face smoothly on photos?

High-resolution images are great, but they have a tendency to capture every minor skin blemish.If you are not very good at taking photos, like choosing the wrong shooting angle or not adjusting the aperture correctly, the results can turn out badly. Computers have made it very easy to correct such problems after taking the photo rather than needing everything perfect to start with.But which tools are best for touching up portraits perfectly and easily on a Mac?

Here we'll use ArcSoft PhotoStudio as an example to show you basic processes to beautify portraits. The face beauty feature in PhotoStudio is unique. You can soften skin and lighten skin color while preserving the original skin texture. The scratch removal tool blurs an area so you can't see the scratch anymore. Other programs use an automatic cloning tool to match the surrounding area which is less noticeable. Various other tools can be used to optimize portraits.

Step One: Open your photo and choose Face Beautify

Find a portrait photo you'd like to work on. Open it in PhotoStudio6 and select "Effects -> Face Beautify". Your photo will be opened up in a pop-up editing window. 

Step Two: Choose a face from the photo and adjust feature points

Below the photo, the software will automatically detect how many faces the photo contains and show all these faces in thumbnails. Choose the face you want to enhance and then adjust the feature points to define facial features if the automatic placement isn't perfect already. After that, press the "Beautify" button.

Step Three: Enhance face, eyes, and mouth respectively using the face editor

You available enhancements are organized into three sections: the whole face, eyes, and the mouth and teeth. Click on the option tab to switch among the three sections and you can click on the tool icons to see the editing details. With ArcSoft PhotoStudio it's easy and fast to slim faces, brighten eyes, change lip color, whiten teeth, and more.

You can go back to adjust facial feature points at anytime when editing with Face Beautify tools. The two photos below show the portrait before and after using Face Beautify. ArcSoft PhotoStudio enhances portraits with the most elegant and natural effects.

If you are eager to retouch plenty of portrait photos, ArcSoft Portrait+ is highly recommended. With accurate automatic detection, unique batch-processing function and excellent skin-smoothing technology, it enables you to touch up hundreds of photos quickly and naturally.

Post via ArcSoft

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Raw vs JPEG For Photo Editing

In this tutorial, the first in a series on editing and retouching images with Adobe Camera Raw, we’ll take a quick look at the main difference between the two most popular file formats used by digital cameras today – raw and JPEG – and learn why one of them has a major advantage over the other when it comes to image editing and retouching. Many digital cameras today, including both DSLRs and higher end compact cameras, give us the option of saving our images as either raw files or JPEG files. The JPEG format has been around for over 20 years and remains to this day the most widely used file format for saving and sharing digital photos. The raw format, on the other hand, is a much more recent development, but if you’re thinking "Well, obviously newer is better, right?", it’s not quite that simple. While JPEG is an industry standard file format, it may surprise you to learn that raw isn’t really a file format at all. At least, not in the traditional sense.

You may have noticed that I’ve been writing "raw" in small letters and "JPEG" in caps, and there’s a reason for it. With most file formats, the letters in the format’s name actually stand for something. In this case, the term "JPEG" is short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the name of the organization that created the standard (just like "GIF" stands for Graphics Interchange Format and "TIFF" is the Tagged Image File Format). "Raw", on the other hand, doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just a normal word, and what it means (in the case of digital images at least) is that the file contains the raw image information that was captured by your camera’s sensor when you pressed the shutter button.
What does that mean, and how is that different from JPEG? In many ways, shooting your photos as JPEGs is like sending a roll of film off to a photo lab to develop your images for you, and what you end up with is, well, whatever you end up with. When shooting JPEGs, your camera becomes the photo lab, processing the image in a series of steps that include setting the white balance, adjusting the contrast and color saturation, applying sharpening, and then compressing the image to reduce its file size (a process known as "lossy compression" because it results in a loss of image quality). Yes, you can edit and retouch the photo yourself afterwards in Photoshop, but you’re starting with an image that’s already been processed, with permanent changes already made to its pixels (and a lot of the original image information already discarded). Wouldn’t it be better if you could somehow grab the image information straight from the camera’s sensor before your camera’s little internal photo lab gets its high tech hands on it and makes decisions on what it thinks your photo should look like?
That’s where raw comes in. A raw file is like taking the original film negative into the dark room and developing the photo yourself, with complete control and creative freedom over the final result. In fact, raw files are often referred to as digital negatives, and we use a program like Adobe’s Camera Raw as a digital darkroom to process the raw files (many people use the terms "raw" and "Camera Raw" as if they’re the same thing, but "raw" refers specifically to the file type itself, while Camera Raw is an application created by Adobe that we can use to process raw files). Every bit of image information captured by your camera’s sensor is saved and stored in the raw file, with no processing of any kind. In fact, the files are so "raw" that we can’t even open them normally on a computer like we can with JPEGs and other file types. They can only be opened in a program like Camera Raw where we can then process the photos in any way we choose before opening them in Photoshop for further refinement or saving them out as a JPEGs or some other traditional file type.
The main benefit to capturing our images as raw files as opposed to JPEGs is that we have a lot more image information to work with, including a much wider dynamic range (the number of brightness levels in the image) and a larger color space, and this means we can push the images a lot further than we could with JPEGs, bringing out and rescuing hidden detail in the darkest shadows and brightest highlights, detail that often gets tossed away and lost forever by a camera’s JPEG conversion process.
To show you what I mean, let’s take a quick look at an example of how, just by working with raw files instead of JPEGs, we can get much better results with our images. Here, I’ve used Adobe Bridge (CS6, in this case) to navigate to a folder on my desktop containing two images. At first glance, just by looking at the thumbnails, it may seem like both images are the same, but there’s one important difference. The version on the left is a raw file and the one on the right is a JPEG file. The raw file has a ".CR2" extension at the end of its name, which is Canon’s raw file extension (other camera manufacturers use different extensions for their raw files) while the JPEG has a traditional ".jpg" extension:
                             A raw (left) and JPEG (right) version of the same photo.
Before I open these images in Camera Raw, we should first look at another important difference between raw and JPEG files, and that’s file size. All that extra image information packed into raw files comes at a price, meaning the files themselves are a lot bigger than what we normally see with JPEGs. I’ll select the raw version of the image on the left by clicking on its thumbnail:
                                            Selecting the raw file in Adobe Bridge.
With the raw file selected, if we look at its metadata over in the Metadata panel in the right column of Bridge, we see that the pixel dimensions of the image are 3744 x 5616, and the file size is a whopping 26.84 MB. That may not seem "whopping" compared with, say, a 50 GB Blu-ray disc, but compared to a JPEG file as we’ll see in a moment, it’s huge:
The Metadata panel showing, among other things, the size of the image in both pixels and megabytes (MB).
Next, I’ll click on the JPEG version of the photo to select it:
                                                    Switching to the JPEG file.
The Metadata panel in Bridge now shows us the same information but this time for the JPEG file, and here we see that the JPEG version has the exact same pixel dimensions (3744 x 5616) as the raw file. And yet, the size of the JPEG version on disc is only 2.88 MB, nearly a tenth the size of the raw file:
The JPEG version is the same size, in pixels, but takes up much less space on the hard drive.
Of course, the file sizes of your own images may be different and will depend largely on the megapixel (MP) count of your camera, but one thing that won’t change is that a raw file will always be significantly larger than the same image saved as a JPEG. Is this a big deal? Not so much when you’re processing the image on your computer. These days, Photoshop can easily handle a 20-30 MB file, and computer hard drives are big enough and cheap enough now that running out of storage space usually isn’t an issue. Where the extra size can pose a problem, though, is when you’re out shooting your images. Raw files take up much more space on your camera’s memory card, which means the card will hold fewer photos than if you were shooting in JPEG. Also, if you’re an action or sports photographer needing to fire off as many shots per second as you can, shooting in raw can slow you down since it takes your camera longer to save these larger raw files to the memory card. For most of us, though, the increased image quality and editing potential of raw images far outweigh any concerns about the file size, so let’s open these two images in Camera Raw and see how much of a difference there is.
Photoshop actually lets us open and edit not only raw files but also JPEG and TIFF files in Camera Raw, so I’ll open both of these images by first clicking on the image on the left to select it, then holding down the Shift key on my keyboard and clicking the image on the right. This selects both images at once in Bridge (both are highlighted):
                                                Selecting both photos at once.
With both photos selected, I’ll open them in Camera Raw by clicking the Open In Camera Raw icon at the top of the screen:
                                         Clicking the Open in Camera Raw icon.
This launches the Camera Raw dialog box, with the raw version of the image open in the large preview area in the center. We can only view one image at a time in Camera Raw, but we can see both of the images I’ve opened displayed as thumbnails in a filmstrip view along the left. The highlighted image is the one that’s currently active:
                    The Camera Raw dialog box displaying the raw version of the image.
I’ll click on the JPEG version’s thumbnail on the left to switch to it, and now we can see the JPEG version of the image in the center preview area. So far, both the raw and JPEG versions look very similar. And by “similar”, I mean they both look overexposed:
              Switching over to the JPEG version by clicking on its thumbnail on the left.
In the upper right corner of the Camera Raw dialog box is the histogram which shows us the current tonal range of our image, starting with pure black on the far left and gradually increasing in brightness to pure white on the far right. The higher the bars appear in a certain area of the histogram, the more information we have in that brightness region of the image. Here’s what the current histograms look like, with the raw version’s on the left and the JPEG’s on the right. Just as with the images themselves, they look nearly identical, with most of the detail concentrated in the highlights as we’d expect to see with overexposed images:
The histograms are not showing much difference yet between the raw (left) and JPEG (right) versions.
From what we’ve seen so far, it would be hard to justify the increased size of the raw file when it looks no better than the JPEG, but that’s about to change. I’m going to switch back over to the raw version of the image by clicking on its thumbnail on the left:
                                             Clicking the raw version’s thumbnail.
Now, this isn’t meant to be a detailed tutorial on how to process images in Camera Raw, but a quick thing we can do is let Camera Raw itself take its best guess on how to improve an image. If you look below the histogram in the right column of the dialog box, you’ll see that by default, Camera Raw opens the Basics panel which is where we find most of the controls we need for adjusting the white balance, exposure, contrast, and color saturation of the overall image. Rather than dragging sliders and making changes to these controls myself, I’m going to let Camera Raw try to correct the image for me by simply clicking the Auto button directly above the Exposure slider. Once again, I’m working on the raw version of the image:
                                       Clicking the Auto button in the Basics panel.
Here’s what Camera Raw came up with. The important area to pay attention to here is the sky, as well as the snowy mountain top. A moment ago this area appeared washed out and uninteresting, yet now, with the raw version of the image, we see lots of great detail in the highlights. Raw files contain so much image information that often times, areas that appeared completely blown out at first actually contain plenty of detail we can rescue:

                 The raw version now looks much better, with lots of detail in the highlights.
Of course, the shadows are now looking too dark but for our purposes here, I’m not going to worry about them. Let’s jump over to the JPEG version. I’ll click on its thumbnail on the left to select it, then just as I did with the raw file, I’ll simply click the Auto button in the Basics panel on the right to let Camera Raw try to correct the image for me. This time, things don’t work out nearly as well and the difference between JPEG and raw becomes more obvious. The highlights look a little better than they did originally, but not by much and not nearly as impressive as the raw version. The reason is because the JPEG file simply doesn’t contain enough image information. Most of the detail in the highlights was lost in the JPEG conversion process, and once it’s gone, it’s gone:
                                    The JPEG version after clicking the Auto button.
Let’s take another look at the histograms, where we now see a difference between them. Notice that the raw version’s histogram on the left still looks nice and smooth after the edit. That means we still have continuous tone throughout the image, with colors and brightness levels transitioning smoothly from darker to lighter. The JPEG version on the right, however, isn’t holding up as well. See that “comb” pattern in the highlights on the right with gaps between brightness levels? The gaps mean we now have little detail remaining in those brightness regions of the image. In other words, by making the JPEG version look a bit better, we’ve actually made it worse at the same time:
The JPEG version’s histogram on the right is now showing gaps of missing information in the highlights.

We can see this more clearly by zooming into the sky area of each image. Here’s a closeup of the sky in the raw version, with plenty of detail and smooth, continuous brightness transitions:
                                               The raw version is looking good.
Compare that with a closeup of the same area in the JPEG version. Not only does it still look overexposed, but remember those gaps in the highlights in the histogram? If you look closely at the clouds, you can actually see the problem. The missing detail in the highlights has resulted in ugly, harsh transitions between brightness levels, commonly known as "posterization". If I darkened the exposure even more, the posterization would become even more apparent. No matter what I do with this JPEG version, I’ll never get it to look as good as the raw version:
Improving the exposure of the JPEG version brought out big problems in the highlights.
There are more advantages to working with raw files over JPEGs than what I covered here, and of course there’s lots more to processing images in Camera Raw than simply clicking Auto. I’ll be covering everything you need to know about working with Camera Raw in this series of tutorials, but I hope for now I at least gave you an idea of how much more potential there is for editing and retouching images when you make the switch from JPEG to capturing and editing your images in raw.
And there we have it!

For original post, please refer to:, written by Steve Patterson.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Best Photo Editor Worthy for Newbies' Money

From time to time you may feel puzzled about your photo editor: Why it is so complicated to be used? Why I cannot find the feature I want in those programs? And how can I process my photos with no hassle so that I can get the best effects?

You probably haven't find the best photo editing software for yourself, either for Windows or for Mac, which wins in its ease of use, powerful editing capabilities, abundant image effects/patterns, and amazing photo output quality. Sometimes you get photos with several mistakes, like red eye, image noises, etc.

More and more people choose to process their photos after shooting, to add polish and remove flaws. So that they can upload photos to websites or send to share with friends. Now with ArcSoft PhotoStudio, or ArcSoft PhotoStudio for Mac, you can also produce those professional-looking photos by yourself. The version of PhotoStudio 6 is highly-regarded photo editor, which is a good option for pros and casual users alike.

Some Mac users may be wondering what the best user friendly Mac photo editor is. Just have a try of ArcSoft PhotoStudio for Mac, which almost can do all that the Windows version can do. The following will take the Windows version as an example.

Step One: How to use the editor?
There are so many programs claim that they feature in the strong functions, like color enhance, de-noise, edge improve, and free create. But when you download the application and run it, you can hardly find where those tools are. You open a file, and view it in the window, only to cut, copy, or choose some part of it. Other strong tools are hidden in the complicated interface.

It will never happen in PhotoStudio. All of the powerful editing tools are carefully categorized on top bars and left panel, in the most intuitive way. What's more, you can switch the left panel, which integrates the most frequently used tools (pen, brush, clone, gradient fill etc), between showing them in one line or two as you like. Below top tool bars, each editing panel and unit is float to move anywhere.

Step Two: I just want to enhance photos quickly
"I don't understand those professional words in photography; I just want to make my photos better." And you also want to save time in setting those parameters. In ArcSoft PhotoStudio all you want: brightness& contrast, hue& saturation, de-noise, auto-exposure, special film and filter effects, are clearly placed on panels in category. Besides, all the settings are foolproof kinds. You drag the slider, you preview the result, and then you press "OK".

Today the sleek new PhotoStudio6 can be even more creativity. You can use "Magic Cut" on one click to choose and cut an irregular shape on photos and "Face Beauty" aims at making figure's faces to be more attractive, all just in a snap!

Step Three: Something to bring out my creativity
Yes, I want to simplify the editing process. But it doesn't mean my photos should be mediocre. I just hate the photo editors produce works appear similar in batch. Then let ArcSoft PhotoStudio helps you to break the monotony. Its glorious pattern, templates, and creative editing solutions, like LOMO effects, Magic-Film, Distort, Texture, will make your pictures remarkable from others'.


Apart from all of above, you can save or print photos with ICC color profile, which will correct and adjust your photo color to be more vivid and brilliant.

Last but not the least, all the fantastic functions you can find in the best photo editor for Mac.